中国第19届国际摄影艺术展览 Closed

Deadline for contributions: 2024-03-31 23:59:59

Entry Rules

The 19th China International Photographic Art Exhibition

Call for Entries


Organized by the China Photographers Association, the China International Photographic Art Exhibition was launched with the approval of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China (formerly the Ministry of Culture of China) in 1981. As China's earliest and largest important international photography exhibition, it has boasted an extensive international influence.

The 19th China International Photographic Art Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "International Photographic Art Exhibition") is co-sponsored by the China Photographers Association, the Guangdong Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the People's Government of Zhuhai Municipality, and the Guangdong Photographers Association. It is jointly organized by the International Liaison Office of the China Photographers Association, the Publicity Department of Zhuhai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Guangdong Photographers Association, and the Zhuhai Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It will be held in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China in 2024. This International Photographic Art Exhibition will showcase the exploratory and practical photographic achievements made by photographers over recent years for the purpose of comprehensively depicting the photographic art achievements around the world and aiming to promote the exchange, integration and development of photographic cultures in various countries and regions worldwide.

Photography groups and photographers from all countries and regions are welcome to submit their works.

. Time

Submission Deadline: March 31st, 2024

Selection: April 2024

Exhibition: October 2024

If the selection and exhibition cannot be held as scheduled due to force majeure, related events of the exhibition shall be postponed accordingly.

. Honor Settings

This year’s exhibition features three categories, namely, "warmth" theme category, non-theme documentary category, and non-theme art category. Approximately 100 workpieces will be selected for each category, around 300 in total. Each participant may choose one or more categories, but the same workpiece cannot be submitted to different units. Both single photos or photo series are acceptable. A single photo or a series of photos is counted as "one workpiece". The number of photos in each series (or workpiece) should be limited to 4-12 pieces. Each participant can submit no more than 20 workpieces, and all the works must be shot after 2013 (including the year of 2013).

Each selected participant will receive a certificate issued by the organizer and a collection album containing his/her own works.

Around 10 organizations or individuals that have made outstanding contribution to this year’s exhibition will also be selected and honored.

The organizing committee may make appropriate adjustments on the arrangements mentioned above according to the actual situation. If any place is disqualified due to irregularities and other reasons, the vacancy shall not be filled.

. Categories

1. "Warmth" Theme Category

Explanation of the theme: Warmth not only comes from the touch of the body, but also from the feeling of the soul. While we receive warmth, we also release warmth. When everyone contributes a piece of warmth, the world can be filled with love and care.

(Works submitted for this category must adhere to the theme "warmth", and there are no restrictions on techniques.)

2. Non-theme Documentary Category

Description: Documentary category refers to the works that objectively focus on various subjects such as social life, natural ecology and folkways, involving news photography, photography for special reports, social and cultural documentary photography, nature documentary photography, etc. Please consult Articles 7 and 8 under the section ".Rules" for the submission of documentary works.

3. Non-theme Art Category:

Description: Art category refers to the works that express aesthetics and emotions. Its subject matters can cover cultural landscapes, folkways and customs, figures, still life, animals and plants, sceneries, etc. It also includes creative, conceptual, experimental photography and the like. There are no restrictions on techniques.

. Rules

1. Entry submission: Please visit the official website of the China Photographers Association (, access the "19th China International Photographic Art Exhibition" section, follow the prompts to register, log in, fill in relevant information as required, and upload the works as per the online instructions. Only digital photos in JPEG format will be accepted with the long side of not less than 3000 pixels and the image size limited to 2-5M in this year’s exhibition.

2. This exhibition does not accept the works that have been selected in previous international and/or national photography exhibitions held by the China Photographers Association.

3. Entries must be independently completed by the photographers possessing independent, complete, explicit and non-controversial copyright on their works. The participants should make sure that their works do not infringe on the rights of others, including copyrights, rights to self-image, reputation and privacy, and other legal interests.

4. Entries are strictly forbidden to make any use of the images created by others, entirely or partially, by any technical means. The participant should be legally liable for any dispute resulting from the foregoing violation.

5. Works and behaviors that may jeopardize the public order and good customs (including but not limited to situations that may seriously mislead the public, be fraudulent, or violate China’s laws, social morality, public order, and good customs), once discovered, shall result in an immediate disqualification of the participant.

6. In case of copyright violation and other serious illegal behavios, the organizing committee will disqualify the participant(s) in question and expose them on media. If the circumstances are particularly serious, the violators will be prohibited from participating in any exhibitions held by the China Photographers Association for two years or even up to a lifetime ineligibility.

7. The content of raw images intended for submission under the documentary category shall not be altered to show more or less elements than the origin. In the phase of post-production, appropriate adjustments to the tone and hue should not affect the objective and truthful attributes of the photographic subject. Colored photos can be edited into black and white (or monochromatic) in entirety only (not partially). Besides the title, each entry workpiece or series should be enclosed with a caption (less than 100 words, including the time, place and key points of the event).

8. The raw image files of the selected works under the documentary category must be submitted to the organizing committee within the specified time upon the notification. The origin must be shot by the participant himself/herself with photographic equipment, without any software processing, and contains complete original data about camera model, shooting time, and all other relevant parameters. Those who fail to provide raw image files according to the specified time and requirements shall be deemed to waive their participation.

. Appraisal

The organizing committee will invite a number of well-known professional photography experts at home and abroad to form a judging committee to carry out fair and impartial appraisals of all submitted entries that comply with the rules mentioned above.

. Relevant Matters

1. Selected domestic works of this year’s exhibition can be prioritized in the qualifications for the photographer to apply for the membership of the China Photographers Association. Selected international works can be used as one of the qualifications for the photographer to apply for the honored membership of the China Photographers Association.

2. The selection outcomes for this exhibition will be made public on the official website of the China Photographers Association ( for a duration of one week. During that period, a special mailbox will be available to accept real-name reporting of violations and irregularities if any. After the period expires, final results will be published on the official website of the China Photographers Association and associated media.

3. The organizers are entitled to use the selected works in the China International Photographic Art Exhibition and the other activities held by the China Photographers Association free of charge in the ways of reproduction, publishing, exhibition, projection, disseminations on the Internet, compilation, etc.

4. By submitting works, participants agree to all the provisions as set out in this notice.

5. The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation of this notice and all matters related to the exhibition.

6. Contact information:

International Liaison Office of China Photographers Association, No. 48, Dongsishiertiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China (Postal code: 100007)

Tel: 8610-65141380, 8610-65255117

Email: (this email does not accept entries)